Opel Corsa: Wheels and tyres / Tread depth
Check tread depth at regular
Tyres should be replaced for safety
reasons at a tread depth of 2-3 mm
(4 mm for winter tyres).
For safety reasons, it is
recommended that the tread depth of
the tyres on one axle should not vary
by more than 2 mm.

The legally permissible minimum
tread depth (1.6 mm) has been
reached when the tread has worn
down as far as one of the tread wear indicators (TWI). Their position is
indicated by markings on the
If there is more wear at the front than
the rear, swap round front wheels and
rear wheels periodically. Ensure that
the direction of rotation of the wheels
remains the same.
Tyres age, even if they are not used.
We recommend tyre replacement
every 6 years.
The tyre deflation detection system
continually checks the rotation speed
of all four wheels and warns on low
tyre pressure condition once vehicle
is driving...
Changing tyre and wheel size
If tyres of a different size than those
fitted at the factory are used, it may be
necessary to reprogramme the tyre
deflation detection system and make
other vehicle modifications...
Other information:
The front-rear parking assist
measures the distance between the
vehicle and obstacles in front and behind the vehicle. It informs and
warns the driver by giving acoustic
signals and display indication.
It uses two different acoustic warning
signals for the front and rear
monitoring areas, each with a
different tone frequency...
The tyre deflation detection system
continually checks the rotation speed
of all four wheels and warns on low
tyre pressure condition once vehicle
is driving. This is achieved by
comparing tyre rolling circumference
with reference values and further